Nada/ Nothing

Nada [Nothing] 
- 1% Concept / 99% Need to create - 

I started the project “Nada” from the pure need for creating, and the frustration of sometimes being blocked and not knowing what to create. It happened to me some time ago. While I was traveling, during the flight, I decided to leave the book I was carrying in the bag and concentrate on my sketchbook instead. Then I realized that it would be harder than I thought to just leave my mind free and start drawing. I came to the realization that ever since I became a professional illustrator, I worked mostly with briefs and stories, and I had to find concepts and ideas in order for me to draw.
   I became
 aware of how I had been working more, and my sketchbooks were actually void of any drawings or notes.  I had definitely changed the way I do things over the years, but sometimes it feels good to just draw something you really want, just for the pleasure of it.  That something that I wanted to draw happened to be people mostly.  I started to make some finished illustrations of random people surrounded by the first thing that came to mind at the time and could be seen as nothingness.  
This was the first conscious attempt at this.  
Ever since then, I am constantly approaching the theme of Nothing, as in less overthinking and more creating.